Iran Role in Hamas Attacks on Israel and Global Anxiety

Carol Ruth Weber
7 min readOct 19, 2023


The Iran role in Hamas attacks on Israel is evident once one realizes how much the Islamic Republic has gained control in the region. With an overabundance of state and non-state actors vying for influence over the Middle East’s strategic and resource-rich landscape, the area has long been a hot kettle for geopolitical conflicts. Central to this complex matrix of relations is Iran, whose foreign policy and regional ambitions have significantly shaped the dynamics of conflict — especially regarding the State of Israel. It is evident that a revolution against the Islamic Republic is vital for democracy and free nations to coexist for sustainable stability, peace, and development globally.

Iran Role in Hamas Attacks on Israel and Global Anxiety
Image Courtesy of Barry Hunau Creative Commons via Wikimedia Commons

Among Iran’s principal proxies in this theater is Hamas, a Palestinian Islamist political organization and militant group. The alliance between Iran and Hamas has grown over the years, cemented by a shared ideological disdain for Israel and a common objective to challenge its existence.

It is vital to dissect the various dimensions of Iran’s involvement with Hamas and other allied groups focusing on their nefarious activities. One must look at their actions against Israel and assess the broader implications of this connection on regional and global security.

The geopolitical scenario in the Middle East has been notably influenced by the active involvement of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Especially their support and fostered relationships with non-state armed groups — specifically Hamas.

Iran Role in Hamas Attacks on Israel Via Shared Radicalism

The ideological affinity between Iran and Hamas emanates from a shared radical Islamist narrative coupled with a vehement opposition to Israel’s existence. Since 1992, Iran has invested billions of dollars to bolster Hamas’ military and political standing — thereby creating a formidable ally in its proxy war against Israel.

The end goal of annihilating Israel is a shared objective that has drawn Iran and Hamas closer over the years. This ideological alignment has fostered a deep-seated alliance that drives the continued conflict and hostilities witnessed in the region.

By highlighting direct interactions, financial and military support, weaponry and technology transfer, and ideological alignment one can see what led to the Iran role in Hamas attacks on Israel, as well as global consequences. The evidence collated from various reputable sources underscores the Islamic Republic’s pivotal role in escalating hostilities against Israel — particularly through its proxies Hamas and Hezbollah.

The array of expert analyses, coupled with leaked intelligence and public acknowledgments from Hamas officials, paints a dire picture. It shows a region under the constant threat of escalated conflict largely propelled by Iran’s strategic ambitions.

On October 7, Former Israel Defense Forces Spokesperson Lt Col (Res.) Avital Leibovich detailed her thoughts about Iran’s involvement with Hamas pertaining to the assault on Israel:

Well, there was no Israeli provocation whatsoever, so this was an independent initiative. I have a very strong feeling that this is very tightly connected with the Iranian directive. As you know, Iran has been pouring millions into the areas of Palestinians, whether it’s in the West Bank, whether it’s in Gaza, trying to create unrest in this entire region.

Although not directly referencing Iran’s support to Hamas, leaked US intelligence materials provide a glimpse into the broader perspective of how the US perceives relationships and activities in the Middle East. This leak could potentially encompass insights into Iran’s ties with Hamas and other regional actors, shedding light on the multifaceted dynamics at play.

Direct Involvement of Iran Role in Hamas Attacks on Israel

The relationship between Iran and Hamas has been visibly cemented through various high-level meetings and coordination activities. Notable among these are the meetings hosted by Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, with representatives of Hamas and other proxy organizations. On October 18, 2023, Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian met with the Lebanese armed group Hezbollah backed by Tehran. The group began cross-border Israel assaults of its own. These interactions have not only symbolized the robust alliance but have also served as platforms for strategic deliberation and coordination against common adversaries, chiefly Israel.

The call for united action against Israel by Khamenei, as documented in various sources, indicates the Iran role in Hamas attacks on Israel. This significant escalation of violence led to the attack orchestrated by Hamas militants on October 7, 2023. The assaults are a heartbreaking manifestation of the violent narrative propagated by Iran. The attackers, known to be funded and armed by Iran, executed a coordinated strike that exemplifies the grave security challenges posed by the Iran-Hamas alliance.

The case of direct involvement of Iran role in Hamas attacks on Israel by Iranian officials planning and orchestrating the attacks is notably highlighted in the report from the New York Post dated October 8, 2023. This instance portrays a scenario where Iran’s involvement transcends financial and ideological support, diving into operational facilitation of terror activities against Israel.

Posts and images referenced from social media accounts furnish a visual narrative of Iran’s strategic discussions concerning potential confrontations against Israel. The images, especially one captured in Lebanon showcasing the foreign minister of the Islamic Republic discussing strategies, serve as potent indicators of Iran’s active participation in the conflict dynamics. The use of social hashtags like #IRGCterrorists and #HamasMassacre underscore the growing public discourse and concern regarding Iran’s involvement in sponsoring terrorism against Israel.

Financial Iran Role in Hamas Attacks on Israel Recognized

Iran’s financial commitment to Hamas and other proxy groups is a testament to its vested interest in challenging Israeli security and sovereignty. Reports estimate that Iran channels approximately $100 million annually to Hamas, as well as substantial financial support to Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad. This financial infusion significantly augments the operational capabilities of these groups — enabling them to sustain prolonged campaigns against the Jewish State.

Public admissions by Hamas officials concerning Iran’s direct backing are a stark revelation of the deep-seated alliance between the two entities. These acknowledgments, made in various forums including at events outside the Palestinian embassy in Tehran, emphasize the extent to which Iran is involved in supporting Hamas both logistically and ideologically.

Statements made openly by Hamas leaders have thanked Iran for its financial and material support. These assertions demonstrate a clear acknowledgment of Iran’s pivotal role in enabling Hamas’ military operations against Israel.

Iran Role in Hamas Attacks on Israel Using Military Network

The construction of a robust network comprising at least 19 armed groups along Israel’s borders indicates a well-orchestrated military strategy aimed at encircling Israel with hostile entities. The largest of these are Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Hezbollah. They have become formidable adversaries — receiving training, funding, and weaponry from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

The restoration of ties between Hamas and Syria underscores the broader geopolitical alignment favoring Iran and its allies in the region. This restoration symbolizes a network of alliances that further emboldens Hamas and enhances Iran’s strategic positioning against Israel.

Iran has played a pivotal role in enhancing Hamas’ military capabilities through the transfer of technology and logistical support. This cooperation has facilitated local arms production, significantly bolstering the group’s arsenal. The technology transfer includes the provision of designs, expertise, and critical components required for the manufacturing of weapons and military hardware.

Beyond local production, Iran has been instrumental in orchestrating smuggling operations to ensure Hamas receives the necessary weaponry to continue its military campaigns. Weapons, ammunition, and other military hardware find their way into the hands of Hamas militants through a network of tunnels under the Gaza-Egypt border. This has worked to further escalate the potential for violence against Israel.

Global Concern of Iran Role in Hamas Attacks on Israel

Experts like Joe Truzman and Hussain Abdul-Hussain have provided invaluable analysis concerning Iran’s support for Palestinian terrorist groups. Their insights highlight a systematic approach by Iran in furnishing Hamas and others with the necessary financial, military, and ideological backing to challenge Israel on various fronts.

Iran’s robust support for Hamas and other proxy groups is a matter of global concern, particularly given the propensity for escalating conflicts in the volatile Middle East region. The recurrent cycles of violence not only destabilize the region but also have ramifications on global geopolitics.

The international community’s response to Iran’s actions and the subsequent rise in global insecurity is a critical aspect requiring thorough evaluation. The extent to which international sanctions, diplomatic engagements, and other measures can mitigate the threats emanating from Iran’s support for Hamas and similar groups is a topic of ongoing debate. Expert analysis delves into the broader geopolitical implications of this alliance, emphasizing the potential for escalated regional conflict and the threat posed to global peace and security.

The intertwining threads of evidence, expert insights, public discourse, and geopolitical dynamics are deeply interlinked, painting a broad picture of Iran’s central role in escalating global insecurity. This is predominantly noted by the impact the Iran role in Hamas attacks on Israel has had.

Thank you to Omid Shahnaz for his intense research work resulting in this article — positive proof that an Iranian and Jew can work together to educate and promote a better world

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Carol Ruth Weber

Carol’s objective is to write pieces that inspire and stimulate. Her work is seen on multiple platforms including Huff Post, CBS, NYNJ,, and many more.